News & Events
Talk by Daniela Paolotti, Istituto per l'Interscambio Scientifico (ISI), Turin, Italy
Talk by Vittoria Colizza, Head of Research at INSERM and Sorbonne Université
Talk by Marton Karsai, Central European University - Vienna
Talk by Saad B. Omer, Yale Institute for Global Health
Talks by Prof. Greta Nasi, Bocconi University, and Prof. Arianna Vedaschi, Bocconi University
Talk by Prof. Dirk Hovy, Bocconi University
Alessia Melegaro, Raffaella Piccarreta and Filippo Trentini among the authors of a study, in collaboration with Fondazione Bruno Kessler, that sheds light on the rapid spread of the virus between February and March 2020
Talk by Dr. Vincenzo Galasso, Bocconi University
Talk by Dr. Soheil Shayegh, RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economy and the Environment
Talk by Dr. Pamela Giustinelli, Bocconi University, and Dr. Gabriella Conti, University College London