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02/07/2020 5:00 PM WEBINAR | “Trends in COVID-related behaviors in northern Malawi: initial results from a panel survey” Stéphane Helleringer, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Get ready for the future: tomorrow, the day after and time to come
Covid: a Country in precarious balance between risks and opportunities. Women at the front-line
The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic is accentuating and like to amplify the dimensions of weakness in the female world. Italian women are under pressure today, more than ever.
Technology and functioning of institutions in the season of emergency
Online Talk
A Map of COVID Research at Bocconi
Research reacted to the pandemic as fast as teaching, encompassing all the disciplines taught at the University. The energetic response of Bocconi Scholars is displayed in an interactive map
Company Law Across Europe Adapts to the Emergency
Marco Ventoruzzo is the editor of two journals monitoring the changes taking place in a period that is translating into an unprecedented legal experiment.
Artificial Intelligence for the Days After COVID19
Riccardo Zecchina and his colleagues, in collaboration with the University of Oxford, want to apply machine learning to backend analysis of data produced by tracking apps
Why People Comply, or not, with Social Distancing Rules
Pamela Giustinelli and a colleague from UCL want to understand the perceived costs and benefits of the COVID19 lockdown for common people in the UK, the US and Italy read more
Relations Between Generations Turned into a Risk
Southern europe has the world's highest rate of contacts between the over60s and school age children and thus a strong contagion potential for an age sensitive disease such as covid19
COVID19 Changes the Way We Think of Food Safety
The pandemic seems to have started from the stalls of an open air market, with possible implications on the use of the precautionary principle in international agreements, which Leonardo Borlini is studying.