Covid Crisis Lab - Seminar Series - Talk by Dr. Pamela Giustinelli and Dr. Gabriella Conti

COVID CRISIS LAB Seminar Series — Fall edition
Pamela Giustinelli and Gabriella Conti , "Perceived Costs and Benefits of Compliance to the COVID-19 Social Distancing Measures: Evidence from Subjective Expectations"
Pamela Giustinelli is an assistant professor in the Department of Economics at Bocconi University, her research and teaching home since 2017. Dr. Giustinelli is an applied econometrician, with a deep interest in uncertainty, heterogeneity, and measurement. Her research focuses on the design of new measurements to advance understanding of microeconomic behavior, especially individual and household decision-making with uncertain consequences or limited information. Her past work investigated how individuals think about uncertainty in important real-life domains and how they communicate perceived uncertainty in economic surveys of expectations. Dr. Giustinelli holds affiliations to Bocconi's IGIER and LEAP, University of Michigan’s Survey Research Center, University of Oslo’s Department of Economics, University of Essex’s ESRC-MiSoC (Network on Preferences and Expectations), and University of Chicago’s HCEO Working Group (Family Inequality). Pamela received a PhD in Economics from Northwestern University, a MSc in Economics from Bocconi, and a BA in Economics and Business from the University of Verona.
Gabriella Conti is a Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics and in the Social Research Institute at University College London. Her research draws on both the biomedical and the social sciences with the aim of understanding the developmental origins of health inequalities, the role of child development as input in the production of lifecycle health and the behavioral and biological pathways through which early life shocks, investments and policies affect well-being throughout the lifecourse. Dr. Conti uses novel sources of data, such as biomarkers, combined with linked administrative records and survey data. She has studied several interventions and public health programs in both high- and low-income countries. In 2019 she was awarded the Philip Leverhulme Prize in Economics and the Nick Hales Award from the DOHaD society. Dr. Conti is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), and at IZA Bonn. She is also Associate Editor at the Journal of Health Economics, Trustee at the Foundation Years Information and Research, and scientific adviser of the Lancet Commission for Gender-Based Violence and Maltreatment of Young People. Prior to joining UCL, she was a Post-Doctoral Scholar and then an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago. She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Essex.
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