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Public Health Emergency in Comparative Law: The Case of Covid-19

Image of Is COVID-19 a Threat to Liberal Democracy?

by Arianna Vedaschi (ed. with Lorenzo Cuocolo)  


This special issue of DPCE Online (A-ranked law review) addresses legal issues arising from the Covid-19 emergency with a comparative law approach. Countries from all continents are surveyed and several features, both as regards institutional and human rights aspects of this crisis, are analysed. Within this project, Vedaschi published a paper that, taking into account the output of the whole research, identifies some common patterns in the legal reactions to the current health crisis. On the one hand, her work assesses whether or not the Covid-19 pandemic and measures taken to tackle it are questioning the existing classification of emergency powers. On the other hand, it discusses the impact of challenges posed by Covid-19 on the rule of law and on basic principles of constitutionalism.


The Paper: "L’emergenza sanitaria nel diritto comparato: il caso del Covid-19