E-ellow Submarine Initiative - Analysis of the determinants of COVID-19 diffusion in a global perspective

by Elio Borgonovi, Alessia Melegaro, Aleksandra Torbica, Oriana Ciani, Valentina Bosetti and Benedetta Pongiglione in collaboration with POLIS Lombardia, Politecnico di Milano and University of Florida
The E-ellow Submarine is the name of the Interdisciplinary Convergence Initiative dedicated to exploiting the data generated during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The initiative includes 22 partners from universities and institutions across four countries.
The project is composed of 7 working groups. Bocconi is involved in three: Gender Differences, Climate Change and Pollution and Mortality.
The Mortality working group aims to shed light on the impact of CoVID-19 on mortality, distinguishing and measuring observed and actual Covid-19 deaths, and indirect deaths and to explore geographical variations in mortality.
The Gender Differences working group aims to compare the severity, lethality, clinical manifestations between male and female patients and to identify variables that are predictive of these differences in disease progression using patient level data.
The Pollution working group studies whether the lockdown restrictive measure introduced to face the Covid-19 emergency has had any impact on air pollution.