The interplay of professional and organizational resilience during times of disruption

by Giulia Cappellaro and Amelia Compagni
Literature on organizational resilience has converged on the multidimensional nature of the construct and on the need to theorize its features and outcomes through a cross-level analytical lens.
In this study, we examine the antecedents and processes of organizational resilience in the healthcare setting by means of a longitudinal study, with data collected at multiple levels and points in time in a large Italian hospital.
Professional and organizational level data are collected through different waves of semi-structured interviews to medical professionals and to the hospital management, respectively. Professionals are sampled based on the types of activities conducted with respect to Covid patients.
Overall, our project expands current knowledge on the processes of organizational resilience in times of disruptive events, such as the Covid-19 crisis, uncovering the short to medium-term impacts of resilience processes activated by organizational members.