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Today's Press Review
Emotions Power Public Administration
Research by Turrini, Cristofoli, and Valotti finds a shared feature in the realization of Covid hospitals in Milan, New York, and Wuhan
Human Behavior, Vaccine Hesitancy and the Spread of Viruses: Melegaro awarded a new ERC Grant
Alessia Melegaro was awarded a new ERC Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council for the research project on the relationship between human behavior, vaccine hesitancy and the spread of viruses
We All Lose When Immigrants Can't Access Health Care. Especially in a Lockdown
During the spring lockdown, undocumented immigrants' access to primary care in Milan halved and their housing conditions deteriorated, making it difficult to comply with Covid public health measures, according to research by Carlo Devillanova in collaboration with the NAGA association
Today's Press Review
No Compliance with COVID Measures Without Trust in Health Authorities
Risk communication from the who was well trusted and acted upon during the first wave, but more emphasis on non enforceable hygiene measures and messages tailored to the less compliant are needed now
Today's Press Review
Understanding the Consequences of the COVID19 Lockdown for Older People
A large scale survey of elderly folks will explore the real effects of the lockdown in order to prepare for similar events in the future
Real Men Dare Also in Times of COVID. And Put Themselves in Danger
Men's attitudes and behavior may have contributed to their higher vulnerability and mortality. A survey in 8 OECD countries shows that they are less likely than women to consider the Coronavirus a serious problem, less likely to agree with public policies and more likely to disregard them
A Tool to Evaluate Public Perception of Countries' Response to the Pandemic
Alessia Melegaro and Francesco Billari collaborated in the international project “COVID-SCORE” to help identify weaknesses in governments' responses to Covid19. The first results show that Italians have positively evaluated the international cooperation of the government and the information provided on the spread of the virus