Covid Crisis Lab - Seminar Series - Teresa Gavaruzzi

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COVID CRISIS LAB Seminar Series 2024 — Spring edition

Teresa Gavaruzzi, “Individuals’ decision making about COVID-19 vaccination” 



Starting from one of the first studies on vaccine acceptance conducted in Italy before the COVID-19 pandemic was declared so and when vaccines were not yet available (Feb-June 2020) and continuing with later studies on samples representative of the Italian population, the seminar will examine: the role of affect and risk perception on vaccine acceptance, the reasons in favour and against vaccination guiding decision making and their trade-off, the factors associated with vacillating intentions about vaccination and those associated to the support for public health policies such as the vaccination certificate.


Teresa Gavaruzzi is a cognitive psychologist expert in medical decision making and behavioural science. Her research focuses on how people make decisions about health and how to support their decision making.  She is now at the University of Bologna, with previous positions at the University of Padova, University of Leeds (UK) and - as visiting scholar - University of Michigan (USA). She is a member of the Italian NITAG (National Immunization Technical Advisory Group) for her expertise on vaccine hesitancy.


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Social, economic and health impacts of the COVID pandemic: Evidence from five national UK cohorts