Covid Crisis Lab - Seminar Series - Talk by Sune Lehmann

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COVID CRISIS LAB Seminar Series 2022 — Fall edition
Sune Lehman, “Tales of modeling COVID-19”
In this talk we will talk about our work supporting the official COVID-19 response in Denmark and Germany respectively. The talk today will focus on human mobility and how analyzing changes in mobility patterns can help us create better epidemic forecasts. Sune will talk about components of mobility and Ben will discuss how we can use mobility patterns to understand changes in the basic reproduction number.
Sune Lehman is a Professor of Networks and Complexity Science at DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark. He is also a Professor of Social Data Science at the Center for Social Data Science (SODAS), University of Copenhagen.
His work focuses on quantitative understanding of social systems based on massive data sets. A physicist by training, his research draws on approaches from the physics of complex systems, machine learning, and statistical analysis. He works on large-scale behavioral data and while his primary focus is on modeling complex networks, his research has made substantial contributions on topics such as human mobility, sleep, academic performance, complex contagion, epidemic spreading, and behavior on twitter.
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