Covid Crisis Lab - Seminar Series - George Ploubidis

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COVID CRISIS LAB Seminar Series 2024 — Spring edition
George Ploubidis, “Social, economic and health impacts of the COVID pandemic: Evidence from five national UK cohorts”
The COVID19 pandemic and non-pharmaceutical interventions implemented in response led to a drastic change in the daily lives of the UK population. Understanding how people’s economic, social and health related outcomes evolve is of considerable policy importance, since the pandemic is not only an infectious disease crisis but has widespread economic and social consequences. Using data from five longstanding, nationally representative UK cohorts and a series of embedded bespoke surveys George will present evidence on the social, economic and health impacts of the pandemic in five generations (age 20 – 74) and the lifelong factors that have shaped these. The implications of these findings for the transition beyond the acute phase of the pandemic and post pandemic population health and societal recovery will be discussed.
George is Professor of Population Health and Statistics at the UCL Social Research Institute and Director of the 1958 National Child Development Study and the 1970 British Cohort Study at the UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies. His research interests relate to socioeconomic and demographic determinants of health over the life course and the mechanisms that underlie generational differences in health, well-being and mortality. His methodological work in longitudinal surveys focusses on applications for handling missing data, causal inference and measurement error.
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